The Personal Shopper Advantage

Kam Holding Necklaces

Get "Glam Kam Approved"

Imagine arriving at the store to find a dressing room full of items that fit your body, your needs and most importantly, your budget. You will save time and money all while educating yourself on what works best for you. Of course, I will gently nudge you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to new styles and looks. Rest assured that I never push you into something you don’t love - if it doesn’t make your heart beat fast, it doesn’t make the cut.

We can shop together, or I can do the shopping for you. Either will be left with new, complete looks and multiple ways to work them into your wardrobe. This can be a one-time experience and used as a learning tool for those who feel overwhelmed with the shopping process, or it can be done seasonally to keep your wardrobe current and fresh.